Monday, 4 April 2011

Introduction to Using Your Camera in the Studio

TRAINING SESSION BY Thomas Truscott Wednesday 25th May 2011, it will be priced at £50 per person

The aim of this workshop is to enable you to set-up and use the photographic studio for portraiture.

You will be able to:
  • Select and set-up basic lighting arrangements.
  • Obtain correct exposures through using a lightmeter.
  • Set-up your camera for studio conditions and using a radio flash trigger.
  • Pose and work effectively with your model.
The style of the workshop will be informal, with a high practical content. You will be encouraged to ask questions and perform basic tasks in order to gain confidence and experience. Places will be limited to 6 people to enable everyone to have some hands-on time. You should be willing to help others in the group and share roles of assisting, modelling and photographing as this will enable you to gain understanding from different perspectives.

Outline Program

10:00 Introductions

10:15 Equipment checklist and lighting plans

11:00 Exposures, metering and test shots

11:30 Posing the model and first shots

12:00 Review of the basics

12:30 Lunch break

13:15 Adapting the lighting - playing with shadows and highlights.

14:15 Posing and lighting for groups

15:00 Review

15:15 Finish

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